
Showing posts with the label Ars Technica - All content

Ubuntu 23.10 is a Minotaur that moves faster and takes up less space

Unity CEO John Riccitiello is retiring, effective immediately

Jury awards $229M to victims of “Real Water” tainted with rocket fuel chemical

A live-action Cyberpunk 2077 adaptation has been announced

World’s largest space conference succeeds in making a Starship update boring

WHO says flu vaccines should ditch strain that vanished during COVID

US may pay 3x more than EU for Moderna’s US-funded COVID shot

Anti-viral drug backfires: COVID drug linked to viral mutations that spread

Linux gives up on 6-year LTS kernels, says they’re too much work

A water carrier just won the hardest cycling race on the planet

Toddler poisoned after eating deadly plant mislabeled as diet supplement

Teen’s death after eating a single chip highlights risks of ultra-spicy foods

Google gets its way, bakes a user-tracking ad platform directly into Chrome

TurboTax-maker Intuit offers an AI agent that provides financial tips

Conservative judges revive case on FDA’s “you are not a horse” ivermectin posts

Here’s what we know about a mysterious launch from Florida this week

Zack Snyder unveils extended teaser for his Netflix sci-fi saga Rebel Moon

Sites scramble to block ChatGPT web crawler after instructions emerge