Get ready for Jesus’s second coming, Kumuyi tells Christians

General Superintendent of Deeper Life Bible Church, Pastor William Kumuyi, has charged Christians to get ready for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
He made the call last week at a crusade held in Warri Township Stadium, Warri, Delta State.
In spite of the downpour which lasted for several hours after the programme, worshippers trooped into the stadium.
Some removed their shoes and some rolled up their trousers due to the flood caused by the rain.

The programme witnessed various worship songs and dancing, as worshippers expressed joy and admiration for the cleric.
The programme started at about 5:00p.m. with an exhortation entitled: “Revelation of Christ’s Second Coming.”
Kumuyi, who took his text from Revelation 1: 7-8, noted that the first coming of Christ was marked with humiliation, but His second coming would be marked with glory.
He, therefore, admonished the worshippers to be ready for His coming which was a promise that would come to pass.
The renown cleric also mentioned that the Second Coming of Christ was mentioned seven times in the Book of Revelation, backing it up with scriptural references.
To escape the end-time catastrophe that would befall mankind,  the man of God prescribed the acronym READY as the recipe.
According to him, R stands for repentance, E, embrace Christ’s atoning sacrifice, A – accepting Christ’s all sufficient salvation, D, dedicating ones lives to soul winning and Y, yielding to Him in absolute surrender.


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