Why Doesn’t the Queen Elizabeth II of England Need a Passport?

As the reigning monarch of the United Kingdom, the commonwealth, and certain other countries that have since declared independence but decided they kind of like having the Queen on their money, Queen Elizabeth II enjoys a number of unique privileges not bestowed on any of her subjects.
These include being immune from prosecution from any crime she may happen to commit (justice is served in her name); she cannot be compelled to give evidence in court; she owns all of the dolphins and whales found in British waters; she has the ability to declare war on any other nation if she so desires it; and, most IMPORTANT to the present conversation, she doesn’t need a passport to travel abroad.

The answer lies in the fact that all British passports are issued in the Queen’s name. In fact, if you open up a British passport and turn to the first page, you will find a message that reads:
Her Britannic Majesty’s Secretary of State requests and requires in the name of Her Majesty all those whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance and to afford the bearer such assistance and protection as may be necessary.
Of course, a passport also has another purpose- identifying the person in possession of it. As such, the Queen does not have to jump through similar hurdles as an ordinary person when she travels and is required to give her name, date of birth and occupation (she unsurprisingly usually just answers “Queen”) to officials upon arrival in a foreign country.

SOURCE: Todayifoundou


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