City FM Offers Employment To Student After Media Academy

– City FM has offered prospective employment to the best student at the City Media Academy – The City Media Academy offers a wide range of courses for aspiring students – The radio station says the academy is a way of giving back to the society

 Lagos based media outfit, City FM 105.1 has flagged off her media academy to prepare and encourage youth the realize their desire to become an on air personality. The station left the door open for every willing and talented youths who desires to be heard on radio or nursing the dream to be a celebrity broadcaster. The three weeks duration training is meant to train students the nitty gritty of the radio business with practicals of what they have being taught in the classroom at the studios. Briefing newsmen at the launch of the academy, the managing director of City FM, Mrs Adedoja Allen shed more light into what the academy is all about and the intention of the company to set it up.

The managing director of City FM, Mrs Adedoja Allen The managing director of City FM, Mrs Adedoja Allen 

  According to her, “It’s a training programme/ community development initiative of City FM, we decided to set it up because of the influx of interns we get at City FM they all wants to be on air personalities, presenters they want to be superstars celebrity, they want to be the superstar broadcasters”.

She added: “We just thought this is an opportunity to give back to the society. I love to be involved in training young people to become radio personalities so we came up with the idea. Gladly we are the number one radio station to come up with such initiative in the country. 

  “The way we structure it is that, they will come into the classroom and get theoretical training across all courses ranging from presenting, marketing, social media, production, voice training and many more.  “The class room is equipped so well that when they come out of it they will be able to demonstrate what they’ve learnt. They will stay in class for two weeks after which they go to the radio to present what they’ve learnt in the classroom.   

  “So far so good, its being very exciting we are breeding a new generation of on air personalities that will replace the veterans. We are training the people in their twenties to be what they want to be It could have been free but a lot of cost is associated to it like the facilitator’s fee so we started with a token of 50,000 naira from the students for this first season we are going to offer the best student a job at City FM as well as give all of them the opportunity to do intern with us when they are done.  

  “When they are done, they would have acquired enough skill and experience be able to start up as a junior broadcaster anywhere   We are looking at maybe once every two months and about six sessions in a year. We are doing capacity building for the industry, any media house can snap up our student.    

“It’s our own form of giving back to the society.”


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