A timeline: How Mark Zuckerberg is the king of the entire world!

We live in one global village and Mark Zuckerberg is our Supreme ruler. Here’s how:
He can control the music you listen to and how you listen to it
While in High School, Zuckerberg built a music player called the Synapse Media Player that used machine learning to adapt the user’s listening habits to thow the music played.

Like it or not, if you own a Facebook or Instagram account, Mark is kinging over you.He can control how you connect with friends and family
He can control even newer programmes
Using the Facebook platform, Zuckerberg allows third party developers to create their own applications within the site while accessing data from Facebook.
He knows where we all are
Facebook acquired location sharing service Gowalla, in 2011. The purchase enabled Facebook users to share their location more often. Its features were integrated into Facebook’s Timeline, and launched around the same time. Now, Zuck, friends and family know not just what’s on your mind but also where you are.

He knows all our faces
By acquiring Face.com in 2012Facebook recognizes people’s faces in photos and tags them with their names.
He controls how the world markets their businesses
If you’re going to digitally market you products and services (how else would you drive sales in 2016?), you better get acquainted with Facebook ads. In 2013, Zuckerberg bought Atlas Advertiser Suite from Microsoft to boost his Facebook’s ad sales. Atlas Adviser Suite was originally developed as a campaign management platform for marketers and agencies.
He controls how you chat
Or don’t you use WhatsApp? In 2014, Zuck acquired popular messaging application WhatsApp and it’s been part of the Facebook family since then. There are over 700 million Whatsapp users in the world today with a survey showing that over 30 billion messages are sent daily via WhatsApp.
He can control your internet access
In fairness to Zuck, this one is in the realm of social enterprise. Mark Zuckerberg acquiredAscenta, a drone-maker that Facebook plans to use to bring the internet to remote places of the world. He‘s already launched one of such drones called Acquila.
He can control your fitness regime
Facebook has a stake in the fitness tracking market too. In 2014, He bought Helsinki-based maker of a mobile app that can track users and automatically determine whether they’re walking, running, biking or riding public transportation. ProtoGeo Oy will be used to help Facebook enter the fitness and health monitoring market.
The Future
And now that Facebook has acquired almost every company, and those not acquired are being pushed out the door gradually (Hey Snapchat!), Zuckerberg is not waiting for the future to happen before owning it. Facebook has made acquisitions that are not even social media related. Case in point, his Oculus VR purchase. Oculus VR is a company that producesvirtual_reality headsets. And we all know virtual reality is the real future.


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